Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Why Can't We Just Get Along by Abby O.

A black man and a white man walking down the street
Black man pulls out a gun
Shoots and shoots and shoots
White man gets up shoots and shoots and shoots
Both die sorrowful deaths
Why couldn't they just get along?

Little girl and big girl sitting on the bus
Big girl teases little girl
Steals her lunch money
Little girl cries
Why couldn't they just get along?

Mom and son walking in the mall
Son falls down
Mom spanks boy
Boy cries and screams
What happened to getting along?

The army and Hamas getting at it again
Hamas trying to destroy Israel
Israel pleading
U.S defending
Civilians dying
Why couldn't they just get along?Why?

All these examples
Are just a few
Of how we don't communicate
We were made by the same God and all good people inside
So why is it that we have settled into violence
It is a mystery to me.Is it a mystery to you?Why we just can't get along!!!

Black or white
Female or male
We should all get along
No fighting or rioting
But will I get this?Nope!
But I do still have hope!

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